Falkingham, Jane (Cecelia)

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FALKINGHAM, Jane (Cecelia)

FALKINGHAM, Jane (Cecelia). British, b. 1963. Genres: Demography, Economics, Social sciences. Career: City University, London, England, tutor in economics, 1985-86; London School of Economics and Political Science, London, research officer on the economics of retirement, 1986-88, and on the welfare state, Suntory Toyota International Centre for Economics and Related Disciplines, 1988-92, research fellow, 1991-93, lecturer in population studies, 1993-2002; University of Southampton, professor of demography and international social policy, 2002-. Consultant to World Bank, European Union, and the British government. Publications: (with P. Johnson) Ageing and Economic Welfare, 1992; Household Welfare in Central Asia, 1997; Women in Tajihistan, 2000; Health Care in Central Asia, 2002. EDITOR: (with S. Baldwin, and contrib.) Social Security and Social Change: New Challenges to Beveridge, 1993; (with J. Hills) The Dynamics of Welfare, 1995. Work represented in anthologies. Contributor to journals in the social sciences. Address: University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ, England. Online address: j.c.falkingham@soton.ac.uk

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