English, Camper

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English, Camper

PERSONAL: Male. Education: Attended college in Boston, MA.

ADDRESSES: HomeSan Francisco, CA. Agent—c/o Author Mail, Alyson Publications, 6922 Hollywood Blvd., 10th Fl., Los Angeles, CA 90028. E-mail—camper@cramper.com.

CAREER: Freelance writer. Worked briefly as a computer programmer.


Party Like a Rockstar (Even When You're Poor As Dirt), Alyson Books (Los Angeles, CA), 2005.

Contributor to numerous print and online publications including Instinct, San Francisco, San Francisco Bay Guardian, San Francisco Chronicle, Lonely Planet Guides, CitySearch.com, DigitalCity.com, and SFGate.com.

SIDELIGHTS: Writer Camper English worked briefly as a computer programmer before being laid off at the end of the dot-com craze. He turned to a career as a freelance writer, focusing particularly on the world he knew best from his own experiences: the club scene. He has written extensively about nightlife and culture, his articles and reviews appearing in such publications as Instinct, San Francisco, San Francisco Bay Guardian, San Francisco Chronicle, and the Lonely Planet Guides. He has also written for a number of online resources, including CitySearch.com, DigitalCity.com, and SFGate.com. English's first book, Party Like a Rockstar (Even When You're Poor As Dirt), takes an irreverent look at nightlife and club hopping, with instructions on how to live a swinging social life on a very low budget. Basing much of his advice on his own struggles to manage on a freelancer's inconsistent income, English offers tips on how to get things for free as well as on how to make a dollar stretch. Deborah Bigelow, in a review for Library Journal, remarked that the book is "destined to be read by many twentysomethings." Writing for SFWeekly.com, Brock Keeling remarked, "Smart and funny, the book makes for an easy and enlightening read."



Advocate, June 21, 2005, Anne Stockwell, "Party Miser," p. 188.

Library Journal, July 1, 2005, Deborah Bigelow, review of Party Like a Rockstar (Even When You're Poor As Dirt), p. 104.


Camper English Home page, http://www.cramper.com (March 20, 2006).

Gay.com, http://www.gay.com/ (March 20, 2006), Julie Ross, "Fabulous and Frugal: An Interview with Party Boy Camper English".

Guardian Online, http://www.guardian.co.uk/ (March 20, 2006), Phelim O'Neill, review of Party Like a Rockstar (Even When You're Poor As Dirt).

PostHoc Online, http://www.posthoc.com/ (March 20, 2006), information about author.

SFGate.com, http://sfgwww.ate.com/ (March 20, 2006), Joe Brown, "Camper Saves," author profile.

SF Weekly.com, http://www.sfweekly.com/ (March 20, 2006), Brock Keeling, "Poverty Stricken? This Handy Guide Will Teach You How to Live Richly."

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