Davies, Bronwyn 1945-

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DAVIES, Bronwyn 1945-

PERSONAL: Born January 10, 1945, in Australia; daughter of Thomas Alfred and Norma (Nivison) Davies; married Laurence Harris, 1965 (deceased); children: Paul Llewellyn, Jacob Alexander. Ethnicity: "Mixed." Education: University of New England, B.A., 1964, diploma of education, 1972, B.Ed. (with distinction), 1974, Ph.D., 1979.

ADDRESSES: Home—34 Seaward Cres., Pallarenda, Queensland 4810, Australia. Offıce—School of Education, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland 4811, Australia; fax: 07-4725-1690. E-mail—bronwyn. davies@jcu.edu.au.

CAREER: Teacher of English, science, speech, and drama at primary and secondary schools, 1966-72; University of New England, Armidale, Australia, began as tutor, became associate professor, 1973-93; James Cook University, Townsville, Australia, professor of education, 1994—, head of School of Education, 1995-97. State University of New York at Binghamton, visiting professor, 1991-92; University of Oslo, visiting professor at Center for Gender Research, 1998; University of Århus, visiting professor, 1999; University of Roskilde, visiting professor, 2001; guest lecturer at other institutions, including University of South Australia, University of Trondheim, University of Canterbury, Deakin University, Washington State University, Drake University, College of William and Mary, Ohio University, University of Amherst at Massachusetts, Georgetown University, University of Virginia, and University of Copenhagen.

MEMBER: Australian Sociological Association, Australian Association for Research in Education, American Association for Research in Education.

AWARDS, HONORS: Grants from Australian Research Council, 1990—, and Australian Department of Education, Employment, and Training, 1993-96; research awards from James Cook University, 1993 and 2000; Recent Outstanding Book Award, American Education Association, for Frogs and Snails and Feminist Tales: Preschool Children and Gender.


Life in the Classroom and Playground: The Accounts of Primary School Children, Routledge & Kegan Paul (London, England), 1982.

(With S. Fisher and L. Coltheart) The Violet Pages:The Women's Studies Research Directory, FAUSA (Melbourne, Australia), 1985.

Frogs and Snails and Feminist Tales: PreschoolChildren and Gender, Allen & Unwin (Sydney, Australia), 1989.

Shards of Glass: Children Reading and Writing beyondGendered Identities, Hampton Press (Cresskill, NJ), 1993.

Poststructuralist Theory and Classroom Practice, Deakin University Press (Geelong, Australia), 1994.

(With P. Gilbert and H. Whitehouse) Gender Discourse and Education: A Bibliography, James Cook University (Townsville, Australia), 1995.

Power/Knowledge/Desire: Changing School Organisation and Management Practices, Department of Employment, Education, and Youth Affairs (Canberra, Australia), 1996.

(Editor, with D. Corson, and contributor) Encyclopedia of Language and Education, Volume 3: Oral Discourse and Education, Kluwer Academic Publishers (Dordrecht, Netherlands), 1997.

(In)scribing Body/Landscape Relations, AltaMira Press (Walnut Creek, CA), 2000.

A Body of Writing, 1989-1999, AltaMira Press (Walnut Creek, CA), 2000.

Creator of curriculum materials. Contributor to books, including Understanding Teaching: Curriculum and the Social Context of Schooling, edited by E. Hatton, Harcourt (Sydney, Australia), 1994; Social Constructionism, Discourse, and Realism, edited by I. Parker, Sage (London, England), 1998; Constructing Gender and Difference: Critical Research Perspectives on Early Childhood, edited by B. Kamler, Hampton Press (Cresskill, NJ), 1999; Feminist Poststructionalist Theory and Practice in Education, edited by E. St. Pierre and W. Pillow, Routledge (New York, NY), 2000; and Literacy-Curriculum Connections: Implications for Theory and Practice, edited by J. J. Cumming and C. M. Wyatt-Smith, Griffith University Press (Nathan, Australia), 2001. Contributor of articles and reviews to academic journals, including Linguistics and Education, Interpretations, Critical Literacies, Australian Journal of Adult Education, Research on Language and Social Interaction, Australian Journal of Educational Studies, Social Analysis, British Journal of Sociology of Education, Social Alternatives, and Australian Psychologist. Coeditor of special issue, Oxford Review of Education; member of editorial board, Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood Education, Literacy Research, Gender and Education, and International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education; member of editorial committee, Journal of Early Childhood Literacy. Davies's book Frogs and Snails and Feminist Tales has been translated into German, Spanish, and Swedish.

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Davies, Bronwyn 1945-

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