Davies, Horton (Marlais)

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DAVIES, Horton (Marlais)

DAVIES, Horton (Marlais). American (born Wales), b. 1916. Genres: Literary criticism and history. Career: Theology/Religion. Professor Emeritus, Princeton University, New Jersey, since 1984 (Professor of Religion, 1956-59; Putnam Professor, 1959-84). Professor and Dean, Faculty of Divinity, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, S. Africa, 1946-53; Sr. Lecturer, and Head of Dept., Mansfield and Regent's Park Colls., Oxford University, 1953-56; Member, Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton, New Jersey, 1987-91. Publications: The English Free Churches, 1952, 1964; Christian Deviations, 1954, 4th rev. ed., 1974; A Mirror of the Ministry in Modern Novels, 1959; Worship and Theology in England, 6 vols., 1961-95; (with Hugh Davies) Sacred Art in a Secular Century, 1978; (with M.H. Davies) Holy Days and Holidays, 1982; Catching the Conscience, 1985; Like Angels on a Cloud, 1985; The Worship of the American Puritans, 1990; The Vigilant God: Providence in the Thought of Augustine, Aquinas, Calvin, and Barth, 1991; Bread of Life and Cup of Joy: Newer Ecumenical Perspectives on the Eucharist, 1993; A Church Historian's Odyssey on Three Continents: A Memoir, 1993; The Communion of Saints, 1990; (with M.H. Davies) Huguenots in English-Speaking Lands, 2000. Address: 120 McCosh Circle, Princeton, NJ 08544, U.S.A. Online address: Daviesh@Princeton.edu

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