Davies, J(ohn) D(avid)

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DAVIES, J(ohn) D(avid)

DAVIES, J(ohn) D(avid). Welsh, b. 1957. Genres: Military/Defense/Arms control, History. Career: History teacher at a school in Cornwall, 1979-82, and at a secondary school in Horsham, England, 1985-86; Bedford Modern School, Bedford, England, history teacher and senior master (curriculum) 1987-. Publications: Gentlemen and Tarpaulins: The Officers and Men of the Restoration Navy, Clarendon Press, 1991; Work also represented in anthologies. Contributor to history and nautical journals. Address: Bedford Modern School, Manton Lane, Bedford MK41 7NT, England. Online address: j.d.davies@net.ntl.com

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Davies, J(ohn) D(avid)

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