Davies, Martin (Brett)

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DAVIES, Martin (Brett)

DAVIES, Martin (Brett). British, b. 1936. Genres: Psychology, Social work, Sociology. Career: Research Officer, Home Office, London 1964-71; Sr. Lecturer, University of Manchester, 1971-75; University of East Anglia, Norwich, Director of Social Work Program, 1975-79, Professor of Social Work, 1979-. Ed., Social Work Monographs, 1982-2000. Publications: Probationers in Their Social Environment, 1969; Financial Penalties and Probation, 1970; Social Enquiry Reports and the Probation Service, 1973; An Index of Social Environment, 1973; Social Work in the Environment, 1974; Prisoners of Society, 1974; Support Systems in Social Work, 1977; The Essential Social Worker, 1980, 1994; Towards a Classification of Unemployment, 1986; Skills, Knowledge and Qualities in Probation Practice, 1988; The Sociology of Social Work, 1991; Contemporary Probation Practice, 1993; Blackwell Companion to Social Work, 1997; Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Social Work, 2000. Address: School of Social Work & Psychosocial Studies, University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, England. Online address: m.davies@uea.ac.uk

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