Carnegie, Charles V. 1952-
Carnegie, Charles V. 1952-
PERSONAL: Born February 16, 1952, in Jamaica; son of Oliver L. and Leila A. (Kinlocke) Carnegie; married Barbara P. Roberts (a teacher); children: Faraneh P., Husayn B. L. Ethnicity: "Black." Education: Attended University of the West Indies, 1970-71; Cornell University, A.B., 1975; Johns Hopkins University, Ph.D., 1982. Religion: Bahá'.í
ADDRESSES: Office—Department of Anthropology, Bates College, Lewiston, ME 04240. E-mail—
CAREER: Bates College, Lewiston, ME, assistant professor of anthropology, 1982-83; University of Florida, Gainesville, visiting assistant at Center for Latin American Studies, 1983-84; African-Caribbean Institute of Jamaica, Kingston, research fellow, 1985-91, director, 1986-91; Bates College, assistant professor, 1991-97, associate professor of anthropology, 1997-2004, professor of anthropology, 2004-, department chair, 1997-99, chair of African-American studies program, 1998-. Guest lecturer at other institutions, including University of South Florida, 1994; University of New Mexico, 1997; University of Ibadan, 2000; University of Iowa, 2002; and University of Leiden, 2003. University of the West Indies, visiting research fellow at Institute of Social and Economic Research, 1984-86; resident scholar at School of American Research, Santa Fe, NM, 1996-97; conducted field studies in Jamaica, St. Lucia, Barbados, and Colombia; consultant to Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute, Pan-American Health Organization, and U.S. Agency for International Development. Member of editorial board, Transforming Anthropology, 1994-; member of editorial collective, Small Axe, 1998-.
MEMBER: American Anthropological Association, Society for Cultural Anthropology, Association of Black Anthropologists, Caribbean Studies Association, Royal Institute of Linguistics and Anthropology, Association for Bahá'í Studies (member of executive committee, 2001-), Phi Beta Kappa.
AWARDS, HONORS: Travel grant, Organization of American States, 1980; National Endowment for the Humanities grant, 1983; grants from Social Science Research Council, 1984, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, 1985, U.S. Information Agency, 1987, and Ford Foundation, 2002 and 2003.
(Editor and contributor) Afro-Caribbean Villages in Historical Perspective, African-Caribbean Institute of Jamaica (Kingston, Jamaica), 1987.
Postnationalism Prefigured: Caribbean Borderlands, Rutgers University Press (New Brunswick, NJ), 2002.
Contributor to books, including The Caribbean Exodus, edited by Barry Levine, Praeger (New York, NY), 1987. Contributor of articles and reviews to journals and newspapers, including Cultural Anthropology, Black Studies, Caribbean Review, and Natural History. Guest editor for special issue of Small Axe (Caribbean journal of cultural criticism).