Carneci, Magda 1955-
Carneci, Magda 1955-
Born 1955, in Romania; immigrated to France. Education: School for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences, Paris, France, Ph.D., 1997; attended the History of Art Institute at the University of Rochester, 1998.
Home—Paris, France. E-mail—
Art curator, critic, and author. Institute of Art History, Bucharest, Romania, former senior researcher; Romanian Cultural Institute, Paris, France, deputy director, 2005—. Visiting professor of Romanian literature, National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations, Paris. Board president, International Centre for Contemporary Arts; president, AICA-Romania; codirector, Artelier (magazine).
Getty research fellowship, 1994; Soros Foundation research grant, 1996; European Community grant, 1997; Fulbright research scholarship, 1999-2000.
Ion Tuculescu, Meridiane (Bucharest, Romania), 1984.
Experiment: In arta romaneasca dupa 1960 (title means "Experiment: In Romanian Art after 1960"), Centrul Soros pentru Arta Contemporana (Bucharest, Romania), 1997.
Poeme = Poems, English translations by Adam J. Sorkin with Magda Carneci, Editura Paralela 45 (Bucharest, Romania), 1999.
Poetrix: Texte despre poezie soi alte eseuri, Paralela 45 (Pitesti, Romania), 2002.
Perspectives roumaines: Du postcommunisme à l'intégration Européenne, Harmattan (Paris, France), 2004.
Chaosmos, English translation by Adam J. Sorkin with Magda Carneci, White Pine Press (Buffalo, NY), 2006.
Art et pouvoir en roumanie, 1945-1989 (title means "Art and Ability in Romania, 1945-1989"), Harmattan (Paris, France), 2007.
Magda Carneci, one of the foremost Romanian poets of her generation, was born in Romania in 1955 but now lives in France. She has published several volumes of poetry, both in her native language and in translation, and also serves as an essayist, art critic, and educator. She has won a number of awards and honors for her work, including a Getty research fellowship, a Soros Foundation research grant, a European Community grant, and a Fulbright research scholarship. Carneci received her doctorate in art history in Paris, and was a visiting professor of Romanian literature at the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations prior to being named deputy director of the Romanian Cultural Institute in 2005. Her volume of poems Chaosmos, published in 2006, served as her debut collection in the United States. The poetry included in this volume is divided into sections: the first two of which address cosmic concerns such as the place of human beings in the universe, whereas the third section ad- dresses far more earthly concerns and settings. Robert Murray Davis observed in World Literature Today that "the poems of Chaosmos call for two different and equally rewarding ways of reading: abandoning logical coherence in favor of wild movement in the first two sections; slowing down to savor the insights about more common experience."
World Literature Today, May 1, 2007, Robert Murray Davis, review of Chaosmos, p. 75.
Cimarron Review, (January 15, 2008), profile of Magda Carneci.
Oktobarski Salon, (January 15, 2008), profile of Magda Carneci.
Unique Mother Tongue, (January 15, 2008), profile of Magda Carneci.
University of Iowa Web site, (January 15, 2008), profile of Magda Carneci.