Hill, Richard S(ynyer)

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Hill, Richard S(ynyer)

Hill, Richard S(ynyer), American music librarian; b. Chicago, Sept. 25, 1901; d. Naples, Fla., Feb. 7, 1961. He was educated at Phillips Exeter Academy, then studied at Cornell Univ. (B.A., 1924) and did postgraduate work at the Univ. of Oxford (1924-26). He held a research fellowship in psychology with Kurt Koffka at Smith Coll. (1927-29). He returned to Cornell Univ. for further study in psychology and musicology, the latter under Otto Kinkeldey. He joined the staff of the Music Division of the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., in 1939, serving as ed. of Notes, the quarterly journal of the Music Library Assn., from 1943 to the time of his death. He also was president of the International Assn. of Music Libraries (1951-55). He contributed articles and reviews to various journals, one of the most notable being his “Schoenberg’s Tone Rows and the Tonal System of the Future,” Musical Quarterly (Jan. 1936).


C. Bradley and J. Coover, eds., R.S. H.: Tributes from Friends (Detroit, 1987).

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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