Zingg, Paul J(oseph)

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ZINGG, Paul J(oseph)

ZINGG, Paul J(oseph). American, b. 1945. Genres: History, Sports/Fitness. Career: Southern Benedictine College, Cullman, AL, assistant professor of history, 1975-77; Williams University, Chicago, IL, executive dean for academic affairs, 1977-78; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, adjunct assistant professor, 1978, adjunct associate professor of history, 1986, vice- dean for College of Arts and Sciences' undergraduate studies and admissions, 1979-83, assistant to the president, 1983-86; Saint Mary's College of California, Moraga, professor of history and dean of liberal arts school, 1986-93; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, professor of history and dean of liberal arts college, 1993-95, provost and vice president for academic affairs, 1995-; writer. Consultant to institutions, organizations, and businesses. Publications: SPORTS HISTORY: The Sporting Image: Readings in American Sport History, 1987; Pride of the Palestra, 1987; Harry Hooper, 1887-1974: An American Baseball Life, 1993; (with M.D. Medeiros) Runs, Hits, and an Era: The Pacific Coast League, 1903-1958, 1994; A Good Round: A Journey through the Landscapes and Memory of Golf, 1999. OTHER: (with J.J. Cooke and A.H. Miller) Through Foreign Eyes: Western Attitudes toward North Africa, 1982. EDITOR: In Search of the American National Character, 1984; (with T. Purdom) The Academic Penn, 1986. Contributor to periodicals. Address: Provost's Office, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407, U.S.A. Online address: pzingg@calpoly.edu

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