Zinnes, Harriet
ZINNES, Harriet
ZINNES, Harriet. American. Genres: Novels, Novellas/Short stories, Poetry, Art/Art history, Literary criticism and history, Translations. Career: Queens College, City University of New York, Flushing, professor of English, 1949-53, 1962-89, professor emerita, 1989-. Raritan Arsenal, Publs. Division, Metuchen, NJ, editor, 1942-43; Harper's Bazaar mag., associate ed., 1944-46; Hunter College, tutor, 1946-49; Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, lecturer, 1960-62; University of Geneva, Switzerland, visiting professor of American literature, 1970; art critic: Pictures on Exhibit, 1971- 81, Caprice, 1991-97, Art Papers, 1994, and New York AAS magazine, 1999-; Great Neck Library, New York, poetry consultant, 1972-82; contributing editor: Denver Quarterly and Hollins Critic. Publications: Waiting and Other Poems, 1964; An Eye for an I, 1966; I Wanted to See Something Flying, 1976; Entropisms, 1978; (ed.) Ezra Pound and the Visual Arts, 1980; Book of Ten, 1981; (trans.) Blood and Feathers: Selected Poems of Jacques Prevert, 1988-1993; Lover: A Collection of Short Stories, 1988; Book of Twenty, 1992; My, Haven't the Flowers Been? (poems), 1995; The Radiant Absurdity of Desire (short stories), 1998; Plunge (poems), 2001; Drawing on the Wall (poems), 2002. Contributor to anthologies. Address: 25 W 54th St, New York, NY 10019, U.S.A. Online address: HZinnes@aol.com