Vreeland, Susan (Joyce)

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VREELAND, Susan (Joyce)

VREELAND, Susan (Joyce). American, b. 1946. Genres: Novels. Career: San Diego Unified School District, San Diego, CA, instructor in English, 1969-2000, and ceramics, 1986-2000; author. Publications: NOVELS: What Love Sees, 1988; Girl in Hyacinth Blue, 1999; The Passion of Artemisia, 2002; The Forest Lover, 2004. OTHER: What English Teachers Want (writing handbook), 1995; Journey to Shambhala (promotional film), 1995. Work represented in anthologies. Contributor to magazines and newspapers. Contributor of essays and short stories to journals. Address: 6246 Caminito Araya, San Diego, CA 92122, U.S.A. Online address: susan@svreeland.com

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