von Wiesenberger, Arthur

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VON WIESENBERGER, Arthur. American, b. 1953. Genres: Food and Wine. Career: Television producer of documentaries for European, African, and Asian clients, 1975-78; beverage industry consultant, 1978-82; International Source Management (on-premise beverage sales), Los Angeles, CA, president and chairman, 1982-88; bottled water consultant, 1988-. Water Master, Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting, 1991-; correspondent, KEYT-TV, Santa Barbara, CA, and KEYT-AM radio, Santa Barbara, CA. Publications: Oasis: The Complete Guide to Bottled Water Throughout the World, 1978; H2O: The Guide to Quality Bottled Water, 1988; The Pocket Guide to Bottled Water, 1991; Champagne and Caviar: A Connoisseur's Survival Guide, 1992; The Taste of Water, 1995. Contributor to periodicals. Author and contributor to websites. Address: PO Box 5658, Santa Barbara, CA 93150, U.S.A. Online address: nipperino@AOL.com

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von Wiesenberger, Arthur

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