van Tilburg, Jo Anne

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VAN TILBURG, Jo Anne. American, b. 1942. Genres: Anthropology/ Ethnology, Archaeology/Antiquities, Biography. Career: University of California, Los Angeles, faculty member at Psychology Clinic School, 1971- 77; independent consultant, 1977-82, instructor in archaeology in UCLA Extension Division, 1983-, research associate at Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, 1993-, instructor in archaeology lab and head of Rock Art Archive, both 1996-; Universidad de Chile, research collaborator at Instituto de Estudios Isla de Pascua, 1982-; lecturer at colleges and universities. Conducted archaeological field work in Antigua, Guatemala, 1980, on Catalina Island, CA, 1981 and on Easter Island, 1981-; Easter Island Statue Project, director, 1982-; director of rock art projects in California, Pacific Islands, and the Micronesian Republic of Palau (Belau). Curator of exhibits for U.S. National Park Service, Los Angeles Children's Museum, Pacific Asia Museum, Chile's Ministry of Education and the Museum of Mankind at the British Museum. Guest on television and radio programs; appeared in television documentaries. Publications: (ed.) Ancient Images on Stone, Institute of Archaeology, 1982; H.M.S. Topaze on Easter Island, 1992; Easter Island Archaeology, Ecology, Culture, 1994; Among Stone Giants, 2003. Contributor to books. Contributor of articles and reviews to archaeology and anthropology journals. Address: A210 Fowler Hall, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024, U.S.A. Online address:

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van Tilburg, Jo Anne

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