Turner, Tom

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TURNER, Tom. American, b. 1942. Genres: Environmental sciences/ Ecology. Career: U.S. Peace Corps, volunteer near Trabzon, Turkey, 1965- 67; Sierra Club, San Francisco, CA, editor and administrative assistant, 1968-69; Friends of the Earth, San Francisco, editor, 1969-86; Earthjustice, senior editor, 1986-. Publications: Wild by Law: The Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund and the Places It Has Saved, 1990. Sierra Club: One Hundred Years of Protecting Nature, 1991; Justice on Earth-Earthjustice and the People It Has Served, 2003. Address: c/o Earthjustice, 426 17th St 6th Fl, Oakland, CA 94612-2820, U.S.A. Online address: tturner@earthjustice.org