Turner, Nancy J.

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TURNER, Nancy J.

TURNER, Nancy J. Canadian (born United States), b. 1947. Genres: Botany, Food and Wine. Career: Nuxalk Food and Nutrition Program, Bella Coola, BC, ethnobotanical adviser, 1981-86; University of Victoria, BC, sessional lecturer, 1990-91, assistant professor, 1991-93, professor of environmental studies, 1993-. University of British Columbia, adjunct professor, 1986-; Simon Fraser University, adjunct professor, 1990-91. Royal British Columbia Museum, research associate with botany unit, 1974-. Publications: Food Plants of British Columbia Indians, 1975, rev. ed. as Food Plants of Coastal First Peoples, 1995; (with A.F. Szczawinski) Edible Wild Plants of Canada, Vol. 1: Edible Garden Weeds of Canada, 1978, Vol. 2: Wild Coffee and Tea Substitutes of Canada, 1978, Vol. 3: Edible Wild Fruits and Nuts of Canada, 1979, Vol. 4: Wild Green Vegetables of Canada, 1980; Food Plants of British Columbia Indians, 1978, rev. ed. as Food Plants of Interior First Peoples, 1997; Wild Harvest Exhibit Background Information (exhibit manual), 1983; (with A.F. Szczawinski) Common Poisonous Plants and Mushrooms of North America, 1991; (with H.V. Kuhnlein) Traditional Plant Foods of Canadian Indigenous Peoples: Nutrition, Botany, and Use, Vol. 8, 1991; Plant Technology of British Columbia First Peoples, 1998. Work represented in anthologies. Contributor to scientific journals. Address: School of Environmental Studies, Sedgewick Bldg C135, University of Victoria, PO Box 1700 STN CSC, Victoria, BC, Canada V8W 2Y2. Online address: nturner@uvic.ca

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