Sweet, William

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SWEET, William

SWEET, William. Canadian, b. 1955. Genres: Philosophy. Career: University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, lecturer, 1979-80, 1983-85, 1987-88; University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, lecturer at St. Thomas More College, 1980-83; Carleton University, Ottawa, lecturer, 1989-90; St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada, assistant professor, 1990-95, associate professor, 1995-2000, professor of philosophy, 1990-, chair of Faculty of Arts, 1998-2000, chair of university faculty, 2001-02. University of St. Paul, Ottawa, Professor Henry Herbert Glassmacher Lecturer, 1994; Australian National University, visiting scholar at Research School of Social Sciences, 1996; Catholic University of Louvain, holder of Hoover Chair of Economic and Social Ethics, 1996; Indian Council for Cultural Relations, member of distinguished visitor program, 1996; University of Manitoba, Jesuit Speakers Series lecturer at St. Paul's College, 1998; University of Wales-Cardiff, Royal Institute of Philosophy lecturer, 1999; University of Madras, Nimishakkavi K. Subbaiah Naidu Endowment lecturer, 1999; Dominican College of Philosophy, guest professor, 1999-; Dharmaram College, Bangalore, India, Dharma Endowment lecturer, 2001; University of Pune, visiting professor, 2001; University of Quebec-Montreal, holder of UNESCO Chair, 2001; Madras Christian College, Chennai, India, Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Endowment lecturer, 2002; organizer of conferences and workshops; guest on media programs in Canada and abroad. Eastern Regional Health Board of Nova Scotia, member of ethics committee, 1999-2000; St. Martha's Regional Hospital, member of mission assurance advisory council, 1999-, chair of research ethics committee, 2001-02; Guysborough, Antigonish, Strait District Health Authority, chair of research ethics committee, 2002-. Publications: Idealism and Rights, 1997; Science, Religion, and Non-Science, 2002; Religious Belief, Meaning, and Proof: The Contemporary Debate, 2002; (with H. Hart) Anti-foundationalism, Faith, and Community, 2003. EDITOR: God and Argument, 1999; The Collected Works of Bernard Bosanquet, 20 vols, 1999; The Bases of Ethics, 2000; (with G.F. Gaus) The Philosophical Theory of the State and Related Essays by Bernard Bosanquet, 2001; Natural Law: Reflections on Theory and Practice by Jacques Maritain, 2001; Idealism, Metaphysics, and Community, 2001; Philosophy, Culture, and Pluralism, 2002; Bernard Bosanquet: Essays in Philosophy and Social Policy, 1883-1922, 3 vols, 2003; The Philosophy of History: A Reexamination, 2003; (with J. Thomas) The Nature of Metaphysics, 2003; Philosophical Theory and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 2003; (with E.E. Harris) The Philosophical Remains of Arthur Ritchie Lord, Vol 1: The Principles of Politics and Related Essays, Vol 2: Freedom and Essays in Politics, Ethics, Aesthetics, and Religion, Vol 3: The History of History and Essays in Epistemology and the History of Philosophy from Descartes to Hegel, 2003. Contributor to scholarly journals. Address: Department of Philosophy, St. Francis Xavier University, PO Box 5000, Antigonish, NS, Canada B2G 2W5. Online address: wsweet@stfx.ca