Steinberg, Erwin R.

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STEINBERG, Erwin R. American, b. 1920. Genres: Language/Linguistics, Administration/Management, Literary criticism and history. Career: Professor of English and Rhetoric, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, 1994-, (Instructor, 1946-49; Assistant Professor, 1949-55; Associate Professor, 1955- 61; Dean, Margaret Morrison Carnegie College, 1960-73; Professor of English, 1961-80; Dean, College of Humanities and Social Studies, 1965-75; Director of Communications Design Center, 1979-81; Thomas S. Baker Professor of English and Interdisciplinary Studies, 1981-93; Vice Provost for Education, 1991-96). Coordinator, Project English, U.S. Office of Education, Washington, D.C., 1963-64; Visiting Scholar, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, California, 1970-71. Publications: (with W.M. Schutte) Communication in Business and Industry, 1960, 3rd ed., 1991; (with W.M. Schutte) Communication Problems in Business and Industry, 1961; The Stream of Consciousness and Beyond in Ulysses, 1973. EDITOR: (with W.M. Schutte) Personal Integrity, 1961; The Rule of Force, 1962; (gen. ed.) Insight, 14 vols., 1968-74; (with A. Markman) English Then and Now, 1970; (with L. Josephs) English Education Today, 1970; The Stream of Consciousness Technique in the Modern Novel, 1979; (with L.W. Gregg) Cognitive Processes in Writing, 1980; La Technica del Fluir de la Consciencia en la Novela Moderna, 1982; (with A. Markman) Exercises in the History of English, 1983; Plain Language: Principles and Practice, 1991; (with K. McCormick) Approaches to Teaching Joyce's Ulysses, 1993; (with A. Midani) Ulysses on Montmartre, 2002. Address: Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, U.S.A. Online address:

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