Steinberg, Blema S.

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STEINBERG, Blema S. Canadian, b. 1934. Genres: Politics/Government, Psychology. Career: McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, lecturer, 1961- 64, assistant professor, 1964-67, associate professor, 1967-96, professor of political science, 1996-, director of graduate studies, 1980-83, member of board of directors of McCord Museum, 1993-95; international affairs commentator for Canadian television and radio programs. Publications: (ed. with A. Legault, J. Stein, and J. Sigler) L'Analyse des Conflits Internationaux: Quatre Etudes de Cas, 1979; (ed. with P. Marantz, and contrib) The Dynamics of Superpower Involvement in the Middle East, 1985; Shame and Humiliation: Presidential Decision-Making on Vietnam, 1996. Contributor to books. Contributor of articles and reviews to scholarly journals and newspapers. Address: Department of Political Science, Leacock Bldg., McGill University, 855 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal, QC, Canada H3A 2T7. Online address: