Stein, Peter (Gonville)

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STEIN, Peter (Gonville)

STEIN, Peter (Gonville). British, b. 1926. Genres: History, Law. Career: Regius Professor of Civil Law, 1968-93, and Fellow, Queens' College, Cambridge, 1968-; Fellow, British Academy, 1974-. Queen's Counsel (hon.), 1993. Professor of Jurisprudence, University of Aberdeen, 1956-68. Publications: Fault in the Formation of Contract in Roman Law and Scots Law, 1958; Regulae Iuris: From Juristic Rules to Legal Maxims, 1966; Roman Law and English Jurisprudence, 1969; (with J. Shand) Legal Values in Western Society, 1974; Legal Evolution, 1980; Legal Institutions, 1984; The Character and Influence of the Roman Civil Law: Essays, 1988; (with F. de Zulueta) The Teaching of Roman Law in England around 1200, 1990; Romisches Recht und Europa, 1996; Roman Law in European History, 1999. EDITOR/CO-EDITOR: W.W. Buckland's Textbook of Roman Law, 3rd ed., 1963; Adam Smith's Lectures on Jurisprudence, 1978; Studies in Justinian's Institutes, 1983; (and contrib.) Notaries Public in England since the Reformation, 1991. Address: 36, Wimpole Rd, Great Eversden, Cambridge CB3 7HR, England. Online address:

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