Stein, Mary Kay
STEIN, Mary Kay
STEIN, Mary Kay. American, b. 1953. Genres: Education. Career: Pennsylvania State University, Altoona and New Kensington, assistant to the Dean of Student Affairs, 1976-80; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, Learning Research and Development Center (LRDC) post doctoral fellow, 1986-89, LRDC research associate, 1989-98, LRDC research scientist, 1998-, associate professor in Department of Administrative and Policy Studies, School of Education, 1999-; presenter at professional meetings and conferences, and at civic and educational organizations. Publications: (with M.S. Smith, M. Henningsen, and E.A. Silver) Implementing Standards-Based Mathematics Instruction: A Casebook for Professional Development, 2000. Contributor to refereed proceedings and to books. Contributor of articles to journals and periodicals. Address: 5M24WWPH, 828 Learning Research and Development Center, University of Pittsburgh, 3939 O'Hara St., Pittsburgh, PA 15260, U.S.A. Online address: