Simpson, A(lfred) W(illiam) Brian
SIMPSON, A(lfred) W(illiam) Brian
SIMPSON, A(lfred) W(illiam) Brian. British, b. 1931. Genres: History, Law, Politics/Government. Career: Professor of Law, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1987-. Fellow and Tutor in Jurisprudence, Lincoln College, Oxford, 1955-73; Professor of Law, University of Kent at Canterbury, 1973-84, and University of Chicago, 1984-87. Barrister at Law. Publications: Introduction to the History of the Land Law, 1961; A History of the Common Law of Contract, 1975; Pornography and Politics, 1983; Cannibalism and the Common Law, 1984; Invitation to Law, 1987; Legal Theory and Legal History, 1987; In the Highest Degree Odious: Detention without Trial in Wartime Britain, 1992; Leading Cases in the Common Law, 1995; Human Rights and the End of Empire: Britain and the Genesis of the European Convention, 2001. EDITOR & CONTRIBUTOR: Oxford Essays in Jurisprudence: Second Series, 1973; A Biographical Dictionary of the Common Laws, 1984. Address: University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1215, U.S.A. Online address: