Sikes, Melvin P.

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SIKES, Melvin P.

SIKES, Melvin P. American, b. 1917. Genres: Race relations. Career: Veterans Counseling Service, Tuskegee Institute, AL, director, 1945-47; Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, OH, dean of College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 1950-52; Bishop College, Marshall, TX, administrative dean, 1952-55; Veterans Administration Hospital, Houston, TX, trainee in clinical and counseling psychology, 1959; Baylor University of Medicine, Houston, TX, clinical assistant professor of psychiatry, 1961-68; University of Texas at Austin, professor of educational psychology, 1969-83, program director of Research and Development for Teacher Education, 1978-81; author. Wiley College, visiting professor; National Drug Education Center, Norman, OK, faculty member; Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, member of board of directors. Veterans Administration Hospital, Houston, clinical and counseling psychologist, 1960-68; U.S. Department of Justice, community relations specialist, 1968-69. Texas State Plan for the Prevention, Treatment, and Control of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, regional chairperson; Living Bank of Houston, member of board of directors; consultant to International Harvester and Central Intelligence Agency. Summer work as shearman, steel inspector, and labor relations committee representative, Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corp. Publications: (with P. Meacham) Directory of Black Professionals in Predominantly White Institutions of Higher Education, 1972; World of the Alcoholic (tape recordings), 1974; The Administration of Injustice, 1975; (with J. Feagin) Living with Racism: The Black Middle-Class Experience, 1994. Contributor to books and professional journals. Address: 8703 West Point Dr, Austin, TX 78759, U.S.A. Online address:

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