Schroeder, Manfred (Robert)

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SCHROEDER, Manfred (Robert)

SCHROEDER, Manfred (Robert). American (born Germany), b. 1926. Genres: Information science/Computers, Language/Linguistics, Mathematics/ Statistics, Music, Physics, Sciences, Speech/Rhetoric. Career: American Telephone & Telegraph, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, member of research staff, 1954-58, head of Acoustics Research Department, 1958-63, director of Acoustics and Speech Research Laboratory, 1963-64, director of acoustic, speech, and mechanics research, 1964-69; University of Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany, professor of physics and director of Drittes Physikalisches Institut, 1969-91, Emeritus University Professor, 1991-. Centre Pompidou, founding member of Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/ Musique. Holder of U.S. patents. Publications: Number Theory in Science and Communication, 1984, 3rd ed., 1997-99; (ed.) Speech and Speaker Recognition, 1985; Fractals, Chaos, Power Laws: Minutes from an Infinite Paradise, 1991; Computer Speech: Recognition, Compression, Synthesis, 1999.

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