Rockwell, Anne (Foote)

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ROCKWELL, Anne (Foote)

ROCKWELL, Anne (Foote). American, b. 1934. Genres: Children's fiction, Children's non-fiction, Novellas/Short stories. Publications: CHILDREN'S FICTION: Paul and Arthur Search for an Egg, 1964; Gypsy Girl's Best Shoes, 1966; Sally's Caterpillar, 1966; Molly's Woodland Garden 1971; Paul and Arthur and the Little Explorer, 1972; The Awful Mess, 1973; Gift for a Gift, 1974; The Gollywhopper Egg, 1974; The Story Snail, 1974; Big Boss, 1975; No More Work, 1976; Albert B. Cub and Zebra, 1977; A Bear, a Bobcat, and Three Ghosts, 1977; Buster and the Bogeyman, 1978; Gogo's Car Breaks Down, 1978; Gogo's Pay Day, 1978; Timothy Todd's Good Things Are Gone, 1978; Willy Runs Away, 1978; The Bump in the Night, 1979; Henry the Cat and the Big Sneeze, 1980; Honk Honk!, 1980; Walking Shoes, 1980; Thump! Thump! Thump!, 1981; Big Bad Goat, 1982; First Comes Spring, 1985; In Our House, 1985; My Babysitter, 1985; At Night, 1986; At the Playground, 1986; In the Morning, 1986; In the Rain, 1986; Come to Town, 1987; Handy Hank Will Fix It, 1988; Hugo at the Window, 1988; Puss in Boots and 15 Other Stories, 1988; My Spring Robin, 1989; On Our Vacation, 1989; Apples and Pumpkins, 1989; Willy Can Count, 1989; Hugo at the Park, 1990; Root-a-Toot-Toot, 1991; Mr. Panda's Painting, 1993; Busy Bear's Big World Book, 1993; Ducklings and Polliwogs, 1994; The Robber Baby: Stories from the Greek Myths, 1994; The Way to Captain Yankee's, 1994; The Acorn Tree and Other Folktales, 1995; I Fly, 1996; Sweet-Potato Pie, 1996; One-Eyed Giant and Other Monsters from the Greek Myths, 1996; Once upon a Time this Morning, 1997; Show and Tell Day, 1997; Romulus and Remus, 1997; Visitor's Day, 1998; Ferryboat Ride!, 1999; Thanksgiving Day, 1999; Pumpkin Day, Pumpkin Night, 1999; The Boy Who Wouldn't Obey, 2000; 100 Days of School, 2001. FICTION WITH H. ROCKWELL: Thruway, 1972; Blackout, 1979; Out to Sea, 1980; Happy Birthday to Me, 1981; My Barber, 1981; I Play in My Room, 1981; Can I Help?, 1982; How My Garden Grew, 1982; I Love My Pets, 1982; Sick in Bed, 1982; The Night We Slept Outside, 1983; My Backyard, 1984; Our Garage Sale, 1984; When I Go Visiting, 1984. CHILDREN'S NON- FICTION: Filippo's Dome, 1967; Glass, Stones and Crown, 1968; The Good Llama, 1968; The Stolen Necklace, 1968; Temple on a Hill, 1968; The Wonderful Eggs of Furicchia (retelling), 1969; When the Drum Sang: An African Folktale, 1970; The Monkey's Whiskers: A Brazilian Folktale, 1971; Paintbrush and Peacepipe: The Story of George Catlin, 1971; Tuhurahura and the Whale: A Maori Legend, 1971; What Bobolino Knew (retelling), 1971; The Dancing Stars: An Iroquois Legend, 1972; Machines, 1972; The Boy Who Drew Sheep, 1973; Games (and How to Play Them), 1973; The Wolf Who Had a Wonderful Dream: A French Folktale, 1973; Befana: A Christmas Story (retelling), 1974; Poor Goose: A French Folktale, 1976; I Like the Library, 1977; The Girl with a Donkey Tail, 1979; The Old Woman and Her Pig, and 10 Other Stories (retelling), 1979; Up a Tall Tree, 1981; When We Grow Up, 1981, Boats, 1982; Cars, 1984; Trucks, 1984; Planes, 1985; Big Wheels, 1986; Fire Engines, 1986; Things That Go, 1986; Bear Child's Book of Hours, 1987; Bikes, 1987; Things to Play With, 1988; Trains, 1988; Bear Child's Book of Special Days, 1989; Yard Is Full of Birds, 1990; What We Like, 1991; Pots and Pans, 1993; Space Vehicles, 1994; The Storm, 1994; Halloween Day, 1997; Our Earth, 1998; Bumblebee, Bumblebee, Do You Know Me?, 1999; Our Stars, 1999; What Happens to a Hamburger?, 1999; Career Day, 2000; Morgan Plays Soccer, 2000; Only Passing Through: The Story of Sojourner Truth, 2000; Katie Swims, 2001; Our Seas, 2001; Bugs Are Insects, 2001; Growing Like Me, 2001; The Prince Who Ran Away, 2001; Valentine's Day, 2001; Welcome to Kindergarten, 2001; What Good Are Alligators?, 2000; They Called Her Molly Pitcher, 2002; Two Blue Jays, 2003. NON-FICTION WITH H. ROCKWELL: Olly's Polliwogs, 1970; The Toolbox, 1971; Toad, 1972; Head to Toe, 1973; The Supermarket, 1979; Nice and Clean, 1984; The Emergency Room, 1985, in UK as Going to Casualty, 1987; At the Beach, 1987; The First Snowfall, 1987. EDITOR: Savez-Vous Planter les Choux? and Other French Songs, 1962; The Three Bears and 15 Other Stories, 1975. Address: c/o Macmillan, 866 Third Ave, New York, NY 10022, U.S.A.

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