Randell, Beverley

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RANDELL, Beverley

RANDELL, Beverley. (Beverley Price). New Zealander, b. 1931. Genres: Children's fiction, Children's non-fiction. Career: Ed., Price Milburn and Co. Ltd., New Zealand, 1962-84, Heinemann-New Zealand, 1984-86; freelance writer and editor, 1986-. Publications: PM Felt Books, 1965; Methuen Caption Books, 1966; Methuen Number-Story-Caption-Books, 1967; Reed's Commonwealth Readers, 1967; Wheaton's Tiny Readers, 1968; Guide to the Ready to Read Series and Supporting Books, 1968; Bowmar Primary Reading Series, 1969; John the Mouse Who Learned to Read, 1970; Methuen's Listening Skillbuilders, 1971; The First Men on the Moon, 1971; Methuen Story Readers, 1972; Cyfres Darllen Cyflym (in Welsh), 1973; Llyfer Pum Munud (in Welsh), 1973; PM Creative Workbooks, 1973; Methuen's First Phonics, 1974; Kisim Save Buk Helpim (in Pidgin), 1979; Nelson Joining-in Books, 1985; Heinemann Windmill Books, 1985; PM Readalong Rhythms, 1985; Ginn Rhythm and Rhyme Books, 1986; A Crowded Thorn- don Cottage (family history), 1992; PM Story Books, 1993; PM Animal Facts, 1996; Key to the PM Books, 2000; Shaping the PM Books, 2000; Grading the PM Books, 2001; Key to the PMs, 2003. CO-AUTHOR: PM Country Readers, 1967; Mark and Meg Books, 1968; Instant Readers, 1971; Methuen Country Books, 1973-74; (with C. Harper) PM Animal Books, 1973; (and ed.) PM Readalongs, 1978-82; Nelson's PM Library, 1993-2001; PM Alphabet Starters, 1995; (with A. Smith and J. Giles) PM Starters One Books, 1995; PM Starters Two Books, 1995; PM Alphabet Blends Books, 1996; PM Plus Starters, 1999; PM Plus Story Books, 1999-2000; PM Plus NonFiction, 1999-2000; (reteller) Traditional Tales and Plays, 1995-2000; (with A. Smith) PM Benchmark Kit, 2000, Kit-2, 2001. EDITOR: PM Advanced Readers, 1969; PM Town Readers 1971; Methuen Concept Science, 1971; PM Everyday Stories, 1971; Red Car Stories, 1973; Dinghy Books, 1973; PM Seagulls, 1974; People at Work, 1974; Early Days, 1982. Address: 24 Glasgow St, Kelburn, Wellington 5, New Zealand. Online address: randellprice@xtra.co.nz

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