Randall, Willard Sterne

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RANDALL, Willard Sterne

RANDALL, Willard Sterne. American, b. 1942. Genres: History, Biography. Career: Biographer, historian, freelance writer, 1973-. Reporter, Pottstown Mercury, PA, 1960-61; legal writer and asst. mgr., United States Corp. Co., Philadelphia, 1961-65; reporter, Mainland Journal, Pleasantville, NJ, 1965-66; reporter, ed. and feature writer, Philadelphia Bulletin, 1966-71; Editorial Director, Philadelphia mag., 1971-72; corresp., Time-Life News Service, NYC, 1972-73; Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Vermont, Burlington, 1985-94; Visiting Professor, John Cabot University, Rome, 1995-; Visiting Professor of Humanities, Champlain College, Burlington, 1998-. Publications: The Proprietary House in Amboy, 1975; Journalist, 1975; (ed. with D.R. Boldt) The Founding City, 1976; (with S. Solomon) Building 6, 1977; A Little Revenge: Benjamin Franklin at War with His Son, 1985; Benedict Arnold: Patriot and Traitor, 1990; Thomas Jefferson: A Life, 1993; (with N.A. Nahra) American Lives, 1997; George Washington: A Life, 1997; (with N.A. Nahra) Forgotten Americans, 1998; (with N.A. Nahra) Thomas Chittenden's Town, 1998; Alexander Hamilton: A Life, 2003. Address: Ray Lincoln Literary Agency, 107B Elkins Park House, 7900 Old York Rd, Elkins Park, PA 19027, U.S.A. Online address: willnn@aol.com

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