Peyer, Bernd C.
PEYER, Bernd C.
PEYER, Bernd C. Swiss (born Austria), b. 1946. Genres: Anthropology/ Ethnology, Art/Art history, Cultural/Ethnic topics, Travel/Exploration. Career: American College of Switzerland, Leysin, instructor in sports, 1966-67; University of Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany, academic tutor at Institut fuer England- und Amerikastudien, 1977-79; University of California, Davis, visiting scholar at Tecumseh Center, 1979-80; University of Frankfurt, research assistant, 1980-83, lecturer, 1982-. DeganawidahQuetzalcoatl University, instructor, 1979-80; Dartmouth College, Gordon Russell Visiting Professor at Native American Studies Center, 1995; Technische Universitaet Dresden, guest professor, 1996-97. Also works as free-lance translator (from German and Spanish into English) and photographer. Publications: Hyemeyohsts Storm's Seven Arrows: Fiction and Anthropology in the Native American Novel, 1979; (with P. Bolz) Indianische Kunst Nordamerikas (title means North American Indian Art), 1987; Hildebrand's Urlaubsfuehrer: Dominikanische Republik (title means Travel Guide for the Dominican Republic), 1991, 4th edition, 1993; The Tutor'd Mind: Indian Missionary- Authors in Antebellum America, 1997. EDITOR: The Elders Wrote: An Anthology of Early Prose by North American Indians, 1768-1931, 1982; The Singing Spirit: Early Short Stories by North American Indians, 1989. Contributor to books and periodicals in Germany and the United States. Address: Center for North American Studies (ZENAF), University of Frankfurt, Robert-Mayer-Strasse 1, D-60054 Frankfurt, Germany. Online address: