Pauly, Rebecca M.
PAULY, Rebecca M.
PAULY, Rebecca M. American, b. 1942. Genres: Film, Language/ Linguistics, Literary criticism and history. Career: Teacher of French at schools in Palo Alto, CA, 1966-67, Oakland, CA, 1967-70; Newark Center for Creative Learning, Newark, DE, teacher and curriculum developer, 1971- 78; Winterthur Museum, senior guide, 1972-81; Gruppo LePetit, Milan, Italy, teacher of English as a foreign language, 1974-75; Tower Hill School, French teacher, Wilmington, DE, 1982; University of Delaware, Newark, lecturer, 1982-84, assistant professor of French and Italian, 1984-87; West Chester University, PA, assistant professor, 1987-92, associate professor, 1992-96, coordinator of French Section, 1989-, professor of French and Italian, 1996-. Guest lecturer at Salisbury State University and University of North Carolina at Charlotte, both 1992. Publications: Le Berceau et la Bibliotheque, 1989; The Transparent Illusion: Image and Ideology in French Text and Film, 1993, rev. ed., 2003. Author and producer of the documentary video series La civilization francophone France, Quebec, Martinique, Morocco, Polynesia, and documentary video on Italy. Contributor of articles and reviews to language, literature, film, and history journals. Address: Department of Foreign Languages, 109 Main Hall, West Chester University, West Chester, PA 19383, U.S.A. Online address: