Pauly, Louis W.
PAULY, Louis W.
PAULY, Louis W. American/Canadian, b. 1952. Genres: Economics, Money/Finance. Career: Royal Bank of Canada, management positions, 1978-82; University of Toronto, professor of political science, 1987-. Publications: Foreign Banks in Australia: The Politics of Deregulation, 1987; Regulatory Politics in Japan: The Case of Foreign Banking, 1987; Opening Financial Markets: Banking Politics on the Pacific Rim, 1988; Choosing to Co-operate: How States Avoid Loss, 1993; The League of Nations and the Foreshadowing of the International Monetary Fund, 1996; Who Elected the Bankers?: Surveillance and Control in the World Economy, 1997; The Myth of the Global Corporation, 1998; Governing the World's Money, 2002. Address: 10 Boswell Ave, Toronto, ON, Canada M5R 1M4. Online address: