One Man's Hero

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One Man's Hero ★½ 1998 (R)

Heavy-handed retelling of the U.S.-Mexican war of the 1840s. Irish Catholic Army Sgt. John Riley (Berenger) is tired of the constant harassment he and his fellow Irishmen are subjected to. After disobeying an officer, Riley leads his men into Mexico where they eventually join the Mexican army as the St. Patrick's Battalion just in time to battle the U.S. troops of Gen. Zachary Taylor (Gammon). The history's confusing and isn't helped when the action stops for romantic interludes between Riley and rebel girl, Marta (Romo). 122m/C VHS, DVD . Tom Berenger, Joaquim de Almeida, Daniela Romo, James Gammon, Mark Moses, Stuart Graham, Stephen Tobolowsky, Carlos Carrasco, Patrick Bergin; D: Lance Hool; W: Milton S. Gelman; C: Joao Fernandes; M: Ernest Troost.

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