Norris, Ken

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NORRIS, Ken. Also writes as Murphre Roos. Canadian/American, b. 1951. Genres: Poetry, Literary criticism and history. Career: University of Maine, Orono, Assistant Professor, 1985-90, Associate Professor, 1990-96, Professor of Canadian Literature, 1996-. Co-Ed., Cross Country Press, 1975-80; Ed., Vehicule Press, Montreal, 1975-80; Writer-in-Residence, McGill University, Montreal, 1983-84. Publications: POETRY: Vegetables, 1975; Under the Skin, 1976; (with T. Konyves) Proverbsi, 1977; Report on the Second Half of the Twentieth Century, 1977, 1988; The Perfect Accident, 1978; The Book of Fall, 1979; Autokinesis, 1980; (with J. Mele, as Murphre Roos) Sonnets and Other Dead Forms, 1980; To Sleep, To Love, 1982; Eight Odes, 1982; Whirlwinds, 1983; The Better Part of Heaven: Pacific Writings, 1984; One Night, 1985; In the Spirit of the Times, 1986; Islands, 1986; In the House of No, 1991; Alphabet of Desire, 1991; Full Sun, 1993; The Music, 1995; Limbo Road, 1998. OTHER: The Little Magazine in Canada, 1925-1980: Its Role in the Development of Modernism and Post-Modernism in Canadian Poetry, 1984; (trans.) Symphony, by E. Letelier-Ruz, 1988; (with E. Farkas) Howl Too, Eh? & Other Poems, 1991; Report on the Second Half of the Twentieth Century: Books 1-4, 1988; (trans.) Silence, by E. Letelier-Ruz, 1992. EDITOR: (with A. Farkas) Montreal: English Poetry of the Seventies, 1977; (with P. Van Toorn) The Insecurity of Art: Essays on Poetics, 1982; (with P. Van Toorn) Cross/Cut: Contemporary English Quebec Poetry, 1982; Canadian Poetry Now: Twenty Poets of the Eighties, 1984; (with B. Hilderley) Poets 88, 1988. Address: Dept. of English, University of Maine, 304 Neville Hall, Orono, ME 04469, U.S.A. Online address:

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