Norse, Harold

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NORSE, Harold

NORSE, Harold. American, b. 1916. Genres: Novels, Poetry, Autobiography/Memoirs, Translations. Career: Bastard Angel mag., editor and publisher, San Francisco. Publications: The Undersea Mountain: Poems, 1953; The Roman Sonnets of G. G. Belli (translations), 1960; The Dancing Beasts (poems), 1962; Karma Circuit: 20 Poems and a Preface, 1967; (with Charles Bukowski and Philip Lamantia) Penguin Modern Poets 13, 1969; Hotel Nirvana: Selected Poems, 1974; I See America Daily, 1974; Beat Hotel (novel), 1975; Carnivorous Saint: Gay Poems, 1977; Mysteries of Magritte: Poems, 1984; The Love Poems, 1986; Memoirs of a Bastard Angel (autobiography), 1989; (with W.C. Williams) The American Idiom: A Correspondence, 1990. Address: 157 Albion St, San Francisco, CA 94110, U.S.A. Online address: