Norris, David A. 1931-
NORRIS, David A. 1931-
Born July 11, 1931, in Greeley, CO; son of Ralph C. (a school superintendent) and Ruth (a homemaker; maiden name, Ellis) Norris; married Carlene Johnson, 1951; children: three daughters. Education: Iowa State College (now University), graduated. Politics: "I favor the policies of the Republican Party over those of the Democratic Party." Religion: Baptist. Hobbies and other interests: Reading, golf, yard work, travel.
Home—26330 Ansell Rd. N.W., Poulsbo, WA 98370; and 1616 Grand Ave., Ames, IA 50010. E-mail—
Farm worker; U.S. Department of Agriculture, farm manager for two years; self-employed real estate broker for twenty-three years; writer, public speaker, and consultant. Heartland Foundation, founder and president; Alpha Heartland Press, founder. Military service: U.S. Army, medic.
Alpha Zeta.
Before You Lose It All: God, Government, and Freedom's Cultural Tone, Heartland Press (Ames, IA), 1977.
American Principles, Heartland Press (Ames, IA), 1977.
Communicating as Christians: A Manual for Church Members, Heartland Press (Ames, IA), 1983.
Plan to Be Spiritual: Leadership of Self, privately printed, 1987.
Lasting Success: Quality Decisions, Relationships, and Untamed Emotions, Alpha Heartland Press (Ames, IA), 2002.
Also author of a booklet, "Congregational Harmony," 1975, and of a book, The Advance of Evil.
David A. Norris told CA: "My primary motivation for writing is to help others. My work is influenced by the Bible, American history, and the experiences as an overcomer that have led to personal success. My writing is inspired by love of family and country and the challenge of organization that leads to a harmonious dynamic."