Nielson, James

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NIELSON, James. Canadian (born United States), b. 1958. Genres: Literary criticism and history, Translations. Career: McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, lecturer in English, 1989-92; University of British Columbia, Vancouver, lecturer in English, 1992-95; MediaLinx Interactive, Toronto, Ontario, web consultant and researcher, HTML author, and internet programmer, 1995-. University of Michigan Press, translator, 1994-95; Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, proofreader, 1995. Publications: Unread Herrings: Thomas Nashe and the Prosaics of the Real, 1993; (trans. with G. James) M. Serres, Genesis, 1995. Contributor to books. Contributor to periodicals. Address: MediaLinx Interactive, 20 Richmond St. E. Suite 600, Toronto, ON, Canada M5C 2B5. Online address:

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Nielson, James

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