Marenbon, John (Alexander)
MARENBON, John (Alexander)
MARENBON, John (Alexander). British, b. 1955. Genres: Philosophy. Career: Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, research fellow of Trinity College, 1978-79, director of studies and fellow of Trinity College, 1979-. Publications: From the Circle of Alcuin to the School of Auxerre: Logic, Theology, and Philosophy in the Early Middle Ages, 1981; Early Medieval Philosophy, 480-1150: An Introduction, 1983; Later Medieval Philosophy, 1150-1350: An Introduction, 1987; The Philosophy of Peter Abelard, 1997. EDITOR: Aristotle in Britain During the Middle Ages, 1996; Medieval Philosophy, 1998. Address: Trinity College, Cambridge University, Cambridge CB2 1TQ, England. Online address:
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