Mardon, Austin Albert
MARDON, Austin Albert
MARDON, Austin Albert. Canadian, b. 1962. Genres: History. Career: Antarctic Institute of Canada, member of board of directors, 1986-98, researcher, 1992-. Historical researcher on Alberta culture and "multiculturalism," 1990-91. Publications: (trans with E. Mardon) D. Munro, A Description of the Western Isles of Scotland, 1990; (with E. Mardon) Alberta Ethnic Mormon Politicians, 1990; (with E. Mardon) The Alberta Judiciary Dictionary, 1990; (with E. Mardon) Alberta Mormon Politicians, 1991; (with J. Williams) Down and Out and on the Run in Moscow, 1992; (with E. Mardon) Alberta Election Results, 1882-1992, 1993; (with E. Mardon) Edmonton Political Biographical Dictionary, 1882-1990: A Work in Progress, 1993; (with E. Mardon) Biographical Dictionary of Alberta Politicians, 1993; (with M.F. Korn) Alone against the Revolution, 1997; (co-author) Many Christian Saints for Children, 1997; (co-author) Early Catholic Saints, 1997; (co-author) Later Christian Saints, 1997; (co-author) Childhood Memories and Legends of Christmas Past, 1998. EDITOR: Stygian Relics of the Lachrymose, 1998; The Spectral Carnival Show and Other Stories, 1998. Contributor to periodicals. Address: PO Box 1223, Main Post Office, Edmonton, AB, Canada T5J 2M4. Online address: