Lopreato, Joseph

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LOPREATO, Joseph. American (born Italy), b. 1928. Genres: Sociology, Human relations/Parenting, Demography, Sex. Career: Professor of Sociology, University of Texas, Austin, since 1966 (Chairman, Dept. of Sociology, 1969-72). Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1960-62; Visiting Lecturer of Sociology, University of Rome, 1962-64; Associate Professor, University of Connecticut, Storrs, 1964-66. Publications: Vilfredo Pareto, 1965; Peasants No More, 1967; Italian Americans, 1970; (with L.E. Hazelrigg) Class, Conflict, and Mobility, 1972; (with L.S. Lewis) Social Stratification: A Reader, 1974; The Sociology of Vilfredo Pareto, 1975; Human Nature and Biocultural Evolution, 1984; Evoluzione e Natura Umana, 1990; Mai Più Contadini, 1990; (with T. Crippen) Crisis in Sociology: The Need for Darwin, 1999. Address: 1801 Lavaca St 10A, Austin, TX 78701, U.S.A. Online address: lopreato@mail.la.utexas.edu

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