Lopez-Morillas, Frances M.

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LOPEZ-MORILLAS, Frances M. American, b. 1918. Genres: Translations. Career: Collins Radio Company, Cedar Rapids, IA, translator, 1940-43; Lincoln School, Providence, RI, teacher of Spanish, 1943-44; Mary C. Wheeler School, Providence, RI, teacher of French and Spanish, 1951-64; International Institute, Madrid, Spain, teacher of English as a foreign language, 1957-58; writer. Publications: TRANSLATOR: C.J. Cela, Journey to the Alcarria: Travels through the Spanish Countryside, 1964; J. Marias, Miguel de Unamuno, 1966; J.V. Vives, An Economic History of Spain, 1969; J. Marias, Jose Ortega y Gasset: Circumstance and Vocation, 1970; Spain in the Fifteenth Century, ed. by R. Highfield, 1972; A. Boulton, Cruz Diez, 1974; A. Boulton, Soto, 1974; A. de Orsua y Vela, Tales of Potosi, 1975; A. Boulton, Art in Aboriginal Venezuelan Ceramics, 1978; J. Lopez-Morillas, The Krausist Movement and Ideological Change in Spain, 1981; F. Savater, Childhood Regained, 1981; M. Delibes, The Hedge, 1983; J.L. Borges, Nine Essays on Dante, 1984; B.P. Galdos, Torquemada, 1986; M. Delibes, Five Hours with Mario, 1988; C.M. Gaite, Behind the Curtains, 1990; M. Delibes, The Stuff of Heroes, 1990; J. Marias, Understanding Spain, 1990; L. Weckmann, The Medieval Heritage of Mexico, 1992; A.N. Cabeza de Vaca, Castaways: The Narrative of Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, edited by E. Pupo-Walker, 1993; Selected Writings of Andres Bello, ed. by I. Jaksic, 1997; J. de Acosta, Natural and Moral History of the Indies (1590), 2002. OTHER: (ed. with E.K. Mapes) J.J. Fernandez de Ligardi, El periquillo sarniento, 1952. Address: 355 Blackstone Blvd Apt 106, Providence, RI 02906-4947, U.S.A. Online address: fmorillas@aol.com

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