Lewis, J(ohn) Parry

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LEWIS, J(ohn) Parry

LEWIS, J(ohn) Parry. British, b. 1927. Genres: Economics, Mathematics/Statistics, Regional/Urban planning. Career: University of Exeter, Professor of Economics, 1965-67; University of Manchester, professor, 1967-82, Professor Emeritus of Economics of Regions and Towns, 1982-. Publications: Introduction to Mathematics for Students of Economics, 1959, 1969; Building Cycles and Britain's Growth, 1965; (with D.F. Medhurst) Urban Decay: An Analysis and a Policy, 1969; A Study of the Cambridge Sub-Region, 1973; Urban Economics, 1979; Freedom to Drink, 1985; (with A. Traill) Statistics Explained, 1998. Address: 36 Dartmouth Grove, Redcar, Cleveland TS10 2NX, England. Online address: jparrylewis@riter.freeserve.co.uk

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