Lewis, Johanna Miller

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LEWIS, Johanna Miller

LEWIS, Johanna Miller. American, b. 1961. Genres: Art/Art history, History. Career: College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, instructor, 1988, guest lecturer in history, 1990-91; University of Arkansas at Little Rock, chair and professor of history and associate coordinator of Public History Program, 1991-. Salem College, guest lecturer, 1985, 1989; lecturer at Clinch Valley State College and University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Old Salem, member of field crew, 1982; Gilmer-Smith Foundation, registrar and curator, 1984; Colonial Williamsburg, collections intern, 1986-90, curatorial intern at Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Center, 1990-91; Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation, contract historian for Yorktown Victory Center, 1989-90; DeWitt Wallace Decorative Arts Gallery, curatorial intern, 1990; National Dunbar History Project, co-director, 1993-97; Central High Museum, project manager, 1996-97; A Gathering of Women: Arkansas Women, 1930-2000, project director, 1999-2000; Life Interrupted: The Japanese American Experience in World War II Arkansas, 2001-; So You Want to Start a Museum?, project director, 2002. Publications: Artisans in the North Carolina Back-country, 1995. Contributor to books. Contributor of articles and reviews to magazines. Address: Department of History, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2801 S University, Little Rock, AR 72204, U.S.A. Online address: jmlewis@ualr.edu

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