Lewis, Jeremy

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LEWIS, Jeremy

LEWIS, Jeremy. British, b. 1942. Genres: Essays. Career: Writer. Chatto & Windus, London, editor, became director, 1979-89; London Magazine, deputy editor, 1991-94; Peters, Fraser & Dunlop, reader, 1994-2001; The Oldie, commissioning editor, 1996-. Has also worked as an editor for Andre Deutsch and Oxford University Press and as a literary agent. Publications: Playing for Time, 1987;(ed.) The Chatto Book of Office Life, or Love Among the Filing Cabinets, 1992, as The Vintage Book of Office Life, 1998; Kindred Spirits: Adrift in Literary London, 1995; Cyril Connolly: A Life, 1997; Tobias Smollett, 2003. Address: 3 Percival Rd, London SW14 7QE, England. Online address: jeremy.lewis5@btinternet.com

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Lewis, Jeremy

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