Levi, Anthony H. T.

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LEVI, Anthony H. T.

LEVI, Anthony H. T. British, b. 1929. Genres: History, Humanities, Intellectual history, Literary criticism and history, Theology/Religion. Career: Lecturer, Christ Church, and Tutor, Campion Hall, Oxford, 1966-71; Reader, 1966-69, and Professor, 1969-71, University of Warwick, Coventry; formerly, Buchanan Professor of French Languages and Literature, University of St. Andrews, from 1971. Publications: French Moralists: The Theory of the Passions, 1585-1649, 1964; Religion in Practice, 1966; Pagan Virtue and the Humanism of the Northern Renaissance, 1975; Guide to French Literature, Vol. 1: 1789 to the Present, 1992, Vol. 2: Beginnings to 1789, 1994; Cardinal Richelieu and the Making of France, 2000; Renaissance and Reformation, 2002; Louis XIV, 2003. EDITOR: Humanism in France at the End of the Middle Ages and in the Early Renaissance, 1970; Erasmus: The Praise of Folly, 1971; (co) The Writer and the Artist in France, 1975; Collected Works of Erasmus, vols. 27-28, 1986; Pascal: Pensees and Other Writings, 1995. Address: 22 Market Pl, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire OX7 5NA, England. Online address: ahtlevi@aol.com