Laqueur, Walter

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LAQUEUR, Walter. American (born Germany), b. 1921. Genres: History, Politics/Government. Career: Institute of Contemporary History, and Wiener Library, London, director, 1964-91. Center of Strategic and International Studies, Research Council, Washington, DC, chairman. Publications: Communism and Nationalism in the Middle East, 1956; The Soviet Union and the Middle East, 1959; Young Germany, 1962; Russia and Germany, 1965; The Fate of the Revolution, 1967; The Road to War (in U.S. as The Road to Jerusalem), 1968; The Struggle for the Middle East, 1969; Europe since Hitler (in U.S. as Rebirth of Europe), 1970, 1982; Out of the Ruins of Europe, 1971; A History of Zionism, 1972, Confrontation: The Middle East War and World Politics, 1974; Weimar, 1974; Guerrilla, 1976; Terrorism, 1977; Terrible Secret, 1980; The Missing Years, 1980; Farewell to Europe, 1981; Germany Today, 1985; The Long Road to Freedom, 1989; Stalin-the Glasnost Revelations, 1991; Black Hundred, 1993; The Dream That Failed, 1994; Fascism, 1996; Generation Exodus, 2001. EDITOR: The Israel-Arab Reader, 1969, 1984; A Dictionary of Politics, 1971; A Readers Guide to Contemporary History, 1972; Fascism: A Reader's Guide, 1978. Address: CSIS, 1800 K St, Washington, DC 20006, U.S.A. Online address: