Lam, Truong Buu

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LAM, Truong Buu

LAM, Truong Buu. American (born Vietnam), b. 1933. Genres: History. Career: Institute of Historical Research, Saigon, director, 1957-64; State University of New York, Stony Brook, associate professor of history, 1968-71; University of Hawaii, Honolulu, associate professor of history, 1971-2000, professor, 2001-02, now retired. Publications: Patterns of Vietnamese Response to Foreign Intervention, 1967; New Lamps for Old, 1983; Resistance, Rebellion, Revolution in Vietnamese History, 1984; (with others) A Bibliographic Index, 1984; (ed.) Borrowings and Adaptations in Vietnamese Culture, 1987; Colonialism Experienced, 2000. Address: 189 Polihale Pl, Honolulu, HI 96825, U.S.A. Online address:

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Lam, Truong Buu

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