Kurian, George Thomas

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KURIAN, George Thomas

KURIAN, George Thomas. American (born India), b. 1931. Genres: Reference. Career: George Kurian Reference Books, Baldwin Place, NY, president, 1972-. United Nations Studies Forum, director. Publications: Dictionary of Indian English, 1966; Children's Literary Almanac, 1973; Directory of American Book Publishing, 1975; Historical and Cultural Dictionary of India, 1976; Worldwide Markets for English-Language Books, 1977; Encyclopedia of the Third World, 3 vols., 1978, 4th ed., 1991; The Illustrated Book of World Rankings, 1979, 4th ed., 1996; Laurel Dictionary of Biography, 1980; World Press Encyclopedia, 2 vols., 1982; New American Gazetteer, 1984; Geo-Data: World Almanac Gazetteer, 1984; World Data, 1984; What's What in American Business, 1985; Sourcebook of Global Statistics, 1986; World Encyclopedia of Police Forces and Penal Systems, 1987; Yearbook of American Universities and Colleges, 1987; Global Guide to Medical Information, 1987; Handbook of Business Quotations, 1987; World Education Encyclopedia, 3 vols., 1988; Geo-Data: World Geographical Encyclopedia, 1989; Glossary of the Third World, 1989; (ed.) Teachers as Writers, 1989; Encyclopedia of the First World, 2 vols., 1990; The Benelux Countries, 1990; British Isles, 1990; North America, 1990; Scandinavia, 1990; Japan, 1990; Australia and New Zealand, 1990; Encyclopedia of the Second World, 1991; World Encyclopedia of Cities, 2 vols., 1993; Datapedia of the United States, 1993; Atlas of the Third World, 2nd ed., 1993; (with G.T.T. Molitor) Encyclopedia of the Future, 2 vols., 1995; Encyclopedia of Medical Media and Communications, 1996; Encyclopedia of the Democratic Party, 2 vols., 1996; Encyclopedia of the Republican Party, 2 vols., 1996; Timenglish, 1996; Global Data Locator, 1997; World Encyclopedia of Parliaments and Legislatures, 2 vols., 1997; The Dictionary of America, 1997; The World as It Should Be, 1997; Historical Guide to U.S. Government, 1998; (with D.B. Barrett and T.M. Johnson) World Christian Encyclopedia, 3 vols., 1998; (with J.D. Schultz) The Political Market Place, 1998; (with J.Y. Cole) Encyclopedia of the Library of Congress, 1999; (with Molitor) Compendium of the 21st Century, 1999; (with Schultz) The Chronicles of Christianity, 1999; The Nobel Scientists, 1999; Timetables of World Literature, 2002. Address: George Kurian Reference Books, PO Box 519, Baldwin Place, NY 10505, U.S.A. Online address: gtkurian@aol.com

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