Kronenfeld, Jennie J(acobs)

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KRONENFELD, Jennie J(acobs)

KRONENFELD, Jennie J(acobs). American, b. 1949. Genres: Medicine/Health. Career: University of Alabama, Birmingham, assistant professor to associate professor, 1975-80; University of South Carolina-Columbia, associate professor to professor of public health, 1980-90; Arizona State University, Tempe, professor of health administration and policy, 1990-. Publications: (ed. with E.D. Charles, Jr.) The Social and Economic Impact of Coronary Artery Disease, 1980; (with M.L. Whicker) U.S. Health Policy: An Analysis of the Federal Role, 1984; (with Whicker) Sex Role Changes: Technology, Politics, and Policy, 1986; (with Whicker) Captive Populations: Caring for the Young, the Sick, the Imprisoned, and the Elderly, 1990; Controversial Issues in Health Care Policy, 1993; (with Whicker and R.A. Strickland) Getting Tenure, 1993; (with Whicker) Confronting Ethical Dilemmas in Research and Technology, 1994. Work represented in anthologies. Contributor to sociology and health care journals. Address: Department of Sociology, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-2101, U.S.A. Online address:

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