Kleine-Ahlbrandt, William Laird

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KLEINE-AHLBRANDT, William Laird. American, b. 1932. Genres: History. Career: Purdue University, Lafayette, IN, professor, 1963-. Ordre des Palmes Academiques, Chevalier, 1996. Publications: The Policy of Simmering: A Study of British Policy during the Spanish Civil War 1936-39, 1963; (ed.) The Appeasement of the Dictators Crisis Diplomacy, 1970; La Tosca, The Drama behind the Opera, 1990; Twentieth Century European History, 1992; Europe since 1945, from Conflict to Community, 1993; The Burden of Victory, France, Britain and the Enforcement of the Treaty of Versailles, 1919-1925, 1995; Bitter Prerequisites: A Faculty for Survival from Nazi Terror, 2001. Address: Dept. of History, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47906, U.S.A. Online address: ferney@purdue.edu

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Kleine-Ahlbrandt, William Laird

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