Kellogg, Marjorie Bradley

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KELLOGG, Marjorie Bradley

KELLOGG, Marjorie Bradley. American, b. 1946. Genres: Novels, Science fiction/Fantasy, Plays/Screenplays, Theatre. Career: Scenic designer for plays on and off-Broadway, regional theater productions, and films. Princeton University, visiting professor, 1983-84, 1985-86; Columbia University, adjunct professor, 1993-95; Colgate University, associate professor of design, 1995-. Publications: NOVELS: A Rumor of Angels, 1983; Lear's Daughters (science fiction), Vol I: The Wave and the Flame, Vol II: Reign of Fire, 1986; Harmony, 1991; The Book of Earth, 1995; The Book of Water, 1997;The Book of Fire (novel), 2000. OTHER: A Wrinkle in Time (stage adaptation), 1991; Livin' in the Garden (musical play), 1997. Contributor to magazines. Some writings appear under the name M. Bradley Kellogg. Address: 205 Sanly Rd, Sidney Center, NY 13839, U.S.A. Online address:

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