Kellner, Bruce

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KELLNER, Bruce. American, b. 1930. Genres: Plays/Screenplays, Literary criticism and history, Bibliography, Biography. Career: Millersville University, PA, professor of English, 1969-91, emeritus professor, 1991-. Taught at Coe College, 1956-60, and Hartwick College, 1960-69. Publications: Carl Van Vechten and the Irreverent Decades, 1968; (comp.) A Bibliography of the Work of Carl Van Vechten, 1980; Friends and Mentors: Richmond's Carl Van Vechten and Mark Lutz, 1980; (with others) American Literature: Second Supplement to the University of Minnesota Monographs, 1981; The Harlem Renaissance: A Historical Dictionary for the Era, 1984, rev. ed., 1987; A Gertrude Stein Companion: Content with the Example, 1988; Donald Windham: A Bio-Bibliography, 1991; The Last Dandy: Ralph Barton, American Artist, 1991; Kiss Me Again: An Invitation to a Group of Noble Dames, 2002. EDITOR: Keep a-Inchin' Along: Selected Writings About Black Arts and Letters, 1979; Letters of Carl Van Vechten, 1987; The Major Works of Gertrude Stein (16 vols.), 1993; Early Modern African American Writers, 1892-1922 (25 vols.), 1998; Letters of Charles Demuth, American Artist, 1883-1935; The Splendid Drunken Twenties: Selections form the Day Books, 1922-1903, of Carl Van Vechten, 2003. Address: 514 N School Ln, Lancaster, PA 17603, U.S.A. Online address:

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